Our Advocacy
Good corporate governance is critical to a country's global competitiveness and has been shown to have a direct correlation with corporate profitability and growth. Government and regulators require it. Companies of all sizes need it.
Good corporate governance protects and balances all stakeholder interests, strengthens business relationships, increases access to external financing, and leads to better operational performance.
Adoption of good CG practices results to sustained returns and increased shareholder value, factors that help attract investment.
Good corporate governance is about doing what's right, and doing it well.
What We Do?
We Publish
ICD is recognized as a national and international resource for corporate governance content. The institute promotes its advocacies through the following publications:

Directors Surveys


Courses Modules

ICD is a member of the Global Network of Director Institutes (GNDI). Further, ICD has established relations with global organizations involved in corporate governance among them: the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF).
We Educate
ICD offers corporate governance learning solutions for board members and senior executives. Through customized in-depth learning sessions composed of lectures, case studies and structured learning experiences, ICD helps professionalize the practice of corporate directorship.
Learning sessions are facilitated by a distinguished faculty composed of ICD Fellows, professional directors who are recognized for their expertise and experience.
ICD is the only institution in the Philippines accredited as a corporate governance training body by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Insurance Commission (IC), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Governance Commission for Government-Owned or-Controlled Corporations (GCG) and the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC).
We Empower
ICD helps boards optimize performance to deliver maximum value for a company’s stakeholders.
From health checks, to board evaluations, to crafting board protocols, drafting charters and defining strategy maps and scorecards, ICD imparts and empowers boards by equipping them with knowledge and tools to govern their organizations.
These consulting engagements and interventions are facilitated by ICD's Teaching Fellows who bring with them years of directorship and senior management experience and know-how, culled from practices in diverse fields and functions.
We Engage
ICD is a learned society composed of more than 500 professional directors practicing ethical governance. ICD's Members are committed to a shared vision of a transformed corporate governance ecosystem that bears the fruits of corporate and individual social responsibility.
Fellows, Graduate Members , Regular Members, and Associates enjoy exclusive membership privileges.
Members also have the unique opportunity to support the good governance advocacy in public speaking, teaching CG courses, facilitating board interventions, writing and contributing to ICD publications, crafting position papers, policy proposals, organizing events, fora and other endeavors undertaken by the society.
Get to know Institute of Corporate Directors
The Institute of Corporate Directors (Philippines) is a non-stock, not-for-profit national association of corporate directors and other stakeholders engaged in corporate governance.
To champion good corporate governance and stewardship for the benefit of society